propp'S THEORY
Vladimir Propp, known for his studies of folk tales, produced a theory that identifies 32 basic categories of action which he called functions. In addition to basic categories he defined, he further analysed and breakdown characters into their own specific set of functions known as character functions. He then realised that characters conveyed through films are more of a specific type rather than that of individuals. It was then that he produced his theory that breaks down the conventions of each character type. He believed that films consisted of 7 main character types:
• The Hero
The hero is often a character seeking a certain item or attempting to earn a title [Superhero films for example]
• The Villain
A character designed to upset and disturb the Universe of equilibrium, causing mayhem and damage to those around him.
• The Donor
Much like a real donor this character provides something to the hero to help him on his journey to become their destiny.
•The Dispatcher
This character assigns the hero to a task or journey to complete where often they will face tasks or people to overcome.
•The False Hero
A character that attempts to hide themselves as the hero.
•The Helper
Much like a donor but rather than recieving an item or a piece of advice, the helper provides a service or physically assists the hero in his travels and journey. Often in action hero films the protagonist will experience a side kick or assistant along their travels.
•The princess
Although quite a specific term, the princess is a character designed around an individual and or group of people tha require assistance or saving by the hero.
•The Father
Often it is found that a love story emerges throughout an action film and therefore the idea of a protective father is used until the protagonist earns the right to the partner.